
Arizona DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Probable Cause Affidavits vs. Search Warrants in Arizona Criminal Cases

The legal landscape surrounding criminal investigations can be complex, and understanding the nuances of key documents like probable cause affidavits and search warrants can make the difference in whether a defendant is convicted of the crime that they are charged with. The Arizona Court of Appeals recently released an opinion…


Arizona Defendant Unsuccessfully Appeals Conviction for Concealment of Body Parts

In a recent case before an Arizona court of appeals, the defendant challenged his guilty verdict based on the trial court’s definition of the word “education.” The case centered on the defendant’s insistence that his scattering dead body parts in public areas was not a crime, but instead was an…


Arizona Defendant Unsuccessfully Appeals Lower Court’s Denial of Motion for New Trial in Attempted Arson Case

In a recent criminal case before an appellate court in Arizona, the defendant challenged the trial court’s decision to deny his motion for a new trial. Originally, a jury found the defendant guilty of several crimes, including aggravated assault and attempted arson. He filed a motion for a new trial…


What are Some Appealable Issues after an Arizona Criminal Conviction?

If you find yourself facing criminal charges in Arizona, understanding the appealable issues is crucial for exploring all possible avenues for relief. The Arizona Court of Appeals recently released a decision in an appeal filed by a man who appealed his convictions for armed robbery, felony murder, attempted armed robbery,…


Arizona Defendant Loses Appeal in Sexual Abuse Case, Failing to Show that 911 Call was Erroneously Admitted

In a recent sexual abuse case before an Arizona court of appeals, the defendant argued that his conviction should be reversed because of evidence that was unreasonably admitted during his trial. The defendant was originally charged after a client at his massage therapy business alleged that he inappropriately touched her…


Arizona Defendant in Aggravated Driving Case Unsuccessfully Appeals Long Sentence, Ruling that Trial Judge Rightfully Considered Prior Convictions

In an October 2023 criminal case on appeal in Arizona, the defendant took issue with the trial court’s decision about how long he should be incarcerated after a jury found him guilty of aggravated DUI. Originally, the defendant was charged with aggravated DUI while he was on probation for two…


Arizona Defendant Unsuccessfully Appeals Sex Conviction, Demonstrating Importance of Raising Arguments Early

In a recent case before an Arizona criminal court, the defendant asked for the court to overturn a conviction for sexual assault and voyeurism, arguing that one charge was brought against him too late after the offense occurred. Reviewing the defendant’s argument, the higher court ultimately denied his request, ruling…


Arizona Court Declines Defendant’s Request for Reversal in Recent Car Theft Case

In a recent case before an appeals court in Arizona, the defendant asked the higher court to reconsider his convictions for theft and unlawful flight from a law enforcement vehicle. The defendant was originally found guilty after he stole a truck and tried to escape from the officers who found…


Appellate Court Clarifies Correct Interpretation of Amendments to Arizona Law, Denying Defendant’s Appeal in the Process

In a recent case before an appellate court in Arizona, the defendant asked the court to interpret a 2022 amendment to Arizona law in a way that would favor overturning his guilty verdict. Originally, the defendant was charged with and found guilty of first-degree murder. After receiving his guilty verdict,…


Arizona Court Sides with State in Controversial Case Involving Years-Old Blood Sample

In an August 2023 case before an Arizona court of appeals, the State of Arizona appealed a trial court’s order suppressing a defendant’s DNA profile. The DNA in question connected the defendant with a 2015 murder, leading the State to charge him with first-degree murder, second-degree burglary, and sexual assault.…

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