
Arizona DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Requirements and Exceptions to Lawful Search Warrants in Arizona

Elements of a Valid Search Warrant Under Arizona Laws, Constitution; and the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, a person has protection from unreasonable search and seizures of themselves or their property. In order for the warrant to be valid the following elements must exist: “Probable cause”  A.R.S. 13-3924…


Police Using New Technology to Fight Crime in Tempe, AZ

Tempe Crime News Tempe Police Officers recently used new technology to arrest robbery suspect. Witnesses of an armed robbery reported seeing vehicle and driver fleeing from the crime. They described the vehicle and license plates to police following the incident. Police were unable to find or detain the suspect immediately.…


Arizona Domestic Violence Disputes May Result in Victim Arrests

Domestic Violence Charges Many victims of a Domestic Violence are unjustly arrested. This happens when, a domestic dispute takes place, and a victim calls #911 for police: When police arrive, the aggressor denies everything, and claims the victim was the aggressor, or provoked the argument. The victim is then arrested. If…


Lawsuit Alleges State Trooper Made Career out of Falsifying Arrests

False Arrests: One reason you should know the law and your rights Unjustified DUI Arrests “I told her…‘You’re making the biggest mistake of your life. I haven’t had nothing (anything) to drink”, said a suspect arrested by a former Utah State Trooper. During detention at the County Jail, the suspect,…


Arizona Aggravated Assault on Police Officer Offenses

Any assault against police, by word or conduct, is a felony in Arizona Aggravated (Felony) Assaults of a police officer is serious in Arizona. Depending on the circumstances, classifications may range from Class 6 felonies, up to Class 2 felonies. The only offenses more serious than Class 2 felonies are reserved…


Due Process Isn’t Automatic; It Must Be Enforced

Invoking rights for a DUI: “Due process” begins at the police stop, not the court Room What is “Due Process?  It is the duty of the Courts, State of Arizona, and the Government to respect a person’s rights, rules and principles afforded under the Constitutions and Bill of Rights. Despite Due…


Two Compelling Findings from 2012 Arizona DUI Statistics

How Arizona is Utilizing DUI Statistics to Combat Impaired Driving Arizona DUI Arrest Statistics On December 27, 2012 the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) released Statewide DUI enforcement statistics. The statistics are reported for the cumulative time frame November 23, 2012, before Thanksgiving, to December 27, 2012, just…


Mesa AZ Gets Grant to Improve Drug DUI Evidence Processing

Grant will help expedite the resolution of Drug DUI charges The Prosecution of the City of Mesa was awarded a Drug DUI enforcement grant of $6,787. The money is earmarked for crime lab expenses. It will allow the crime lab to stay opened an additional, 240 hours per year. The purpose of…


Aggravated DUI: Third DUI in 7 Years Calls for Prison Terms in Arizona

Adverse consequences of Felony DUI convictions are far reaching, and can last a lifetime. In Arizona a person convicted of a third or subsequent DUI within 7 years or 84 months will be found guilty of Aggravated DUI, Class 4 Felony charges.  Felony DUI convictions are very serious and will…

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