
Arizona DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


UNDERAGE DRINKING: Not Just a College-Town Problem in Arizona

No parent is ever fully prepared for a call from their son or daughter from jail following an arrest. The question all parents ask is “What now?”  This is where you start. Resource Article: 1 of 2 Parts: Arizona’s Trends, Arrests, Laws; Consequences; and criminal defense On March 30, 2013,…


AZ Court of Appeals Rules: Public Drunkenness Not a Crime

Appeals Court says to prosecute public drunkenness, violates legislature’s decision to treat alcoholism and substance abuse as a disease, not a crime. Appeals Court Decision: State of Arizona v. David Harold Cole  On Monday May 5, 2014 an Arizona Appeals Court ruled unanimously on State of Arizona v. David Harold…


Arizona Heroin Drug Crimes: Trends, Laws, Penalties, and Rehabilitation

Heroin: Fighting the Epidemic and Clearing its Path of Destruction – Part 2 of 2 After a fatal drug overdose, moments count. Call #911 first. Get emergency treatment. If you are arrested, or Criminal Charges are brought, they can be defended by an experienced drug defense attorney. But you only…


FDA Approves Emergency Life Saving Treatment for Potentially Fatal Overdoses

Often people don’t seek emergency medical treatment for themselves or others following a potentially fatal overdose of heroin, for fear of arrest or prosecution. But the greatest threat is not criminal charges, its fatality. Combating the Heroin Epidemic:  7 Heroin Facts; Statistics; Prevention and Treatment According to the National Centers…


Arizona’s 7 Year Extreme DUI Trend: .015% BAC Average, Not Exception

Arizona DUI Arrest Statistics In looking back over the last six years of DUI arrest statistics released by the Arizona Governor’s Office on Highway Safety (AGOHS), we see an alarming trend in DUI arrests with Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) at the “Extreme” levels, which is 0.15 percent or higher. In…


City of Mesa AZ Ranks as 3rd Safest City in the USA for Violent Offenses and Property Crimes

Putting Statistics into Perspective; Arizona Felony Assault laws; Overview of City, State and Country-wide violent crime trends On New Year’s Day two “Good Samaritans” stopped their vehicle in Arizona to help a victim being assaulted, after they reported it to the police. The Good Samaritan told the dispatcher that help…


Drug-Impaired Driver Sentenced to 16 Years Prison Due to Fatal Crash

“One out of every eight Americans or 40 million people in the USA has a Xanax or Alprazolam Prescription.   What you need to know before you get behind the wheel.”   Recently the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) issued a media release about a motorist in Maricopa County, being sentenced…


Federal Prison Reform Proposal – Eliminating Mandatory Minimums in Drug Sentencing

 “It’s not about giving up, or giving in. It’s about making sure the punishment fits the crime”. Cases in Point In April 2013, 46-year-old John Horner, a restaurant worker, and father of three children, was convicted of selling pain killers worth $1,800.00. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison…


Robbie Knievel Allegedly Arrested for DUI in Parked Motor Home

Rippling Impacts Arizona v. Zaragoza:  DUI arrests for being in “actual physical control” of a vehicle  This weekend in the news we heard a popular motorcycle sports celebrity Robbie Knievel was allegedly arrested for DUI. Reports indicate the Police were called to Mr. Knievel’s parked motor home, near a famous Motor…

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