
Arizona DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney Blog


Arizona Prohibited Firearms: The Right to Bear Arms Does Not Include Prohibited Guns

The State of Arizona currently allows for prohibited users to bear firearms. That that right does not extend to Prohibited Weapons or firearms. In addition to explosives, bombs, improvised explosive devices (IED), and other prohibited weapons, certain types of guns are on the prohibition list as well. Persons found guilty of violating…


Assault with a Deadly Weapon Charges in Arizona

According the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) crime statistics and reports, there were approximately 26,311 arrests made for violent crimes reported in 2011. An estimated 7,127 of those involved Aggravated Assault charges, and many of those offenses involved use of a deadly weapon. These are extremely serious charges that if convicted,…


Tempe Police Fight New Type of Gang War

Convictions result in life altering criminal and collateral consequences for offenders. The search resumes for missing 19 year old ASU student who disappeared during what he previously described to his family as “hell week” for initiation into a fraternity. He was last seen at Tempe Marketplace 11:00 pm on November…


An Overview of Arizona DUI Breath Test Laws

DUI Breath Test Laws:  Despite rules and regulations DUI breath tests results may prove to be inaccurate or invalid  Arizona Laws Governing DUI Breath Tests   Under A.R.S. 28-1324 the Director of the Department of Public Services (DPS) is responsible for adopting regulations for methods, and procedures for administering DUI…


Arizona DUI Breath Laws and Impacts on DUI Charges

When the primary DUI evidence is found to be inaccurate, this often leads to dismissal of charges. People often ask “Which is more reliable, a DUI blood test or breath test?”   But the fact is, that inaccuracies can result from both types of testing.   In an effort to…


DUI – DWI Blood Evidence: Insufficient DUI Chemical Evidence May Lead to Case Dismissals in Arizona

10 factors that can result in insufficiency of DUI blood samples DUI Blood evidence is considered by many to be more reliable than a breath test.  However, that is not always the case.  Questions of validity may still surround any forensic evidence, and should be evaluated for admissibility in court,…


Difference between Aggressive Driving and “Road Rage” in Arizona

Road rage is prosecuted as a criminal offense in Arizona   The National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) as driving that markedly exceeds the normal safety driving behaviors. It consists of driving that affects other motorists and their passengers and places them in unnecessary danger. Law enforcement agencies recognize it as driving…


Unlawful Discharge of Firearms: Laws and Penalties in Arizona

Police increase ability to find locations where shots were fired from; and apprehending suspects responsible for firing the shots.    Arizona Weapons Crimes A party in a Phoenix AZ neighborhood quickly ended with gunshots fired and resulting injuries around 2:00 a.m. November 17, 2012. At least 3 people were injured after…


Arizona Police DRE Training Enables Officers to Identify Drug DUI Impairments

AZ Drug Recognition Program Earns National Recognition for Success in Identifying Drug Impaired Drivers Many Police Officers in Maricopa County are trained in drug recognition and evaluation. This intense and specialized training allows them to distinguish between drug impaired drivers from medically impaired drivers. Symptoms are often similar or the same in…


Arizona Man Charged with DUI, Resisting Arrest, and Felony Assault on Police

Why Resisting Arrest is a Bad Idea This week we in the news, an Arizona motorist was stopped and investigated by police for driving impaired due to alcohol or drugs. The suspect allegedly became angry at the line of questioning taking place during the stop. He then allegedly initiated punched one…

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